Anda Lagi Galau ? Inilah Lagu Penghilang Galau Untuk Anda

Apakah saat ini anda sedang galau karena sedang putus cinta ? Kalau begitu jangan khawatir karena saya mempunyai daftar beberapa lagu penghilang galau di jamin ampuh menghilangkan rasa galau anda. Setiap remaja di jaman sekarang ini pasti pernah mengalami rasa galau kalau remaja tersebut sudah berkecimpung di percintaan. Rasa galau ini pun sangat sulit untuk di hilangkan dan tidak enak untuk di rasakan. Tetapi ada beberapa hal yang mungkin bisa anda coba untuk menghilanhkan rasa galau anda, salah satunya dengan cara mendengarkan lagu-lagu tertentu. Dan inilah lagu-lagu yang sangat ampuh untuk menghilangkan rasa galau saat patah hati.

inilah lagu-lagu yang sangat ampuh untuk menghilangkan rasa galau saat patah hati.

Daftar Lagu Penghilang Galau

1) So What - Pink

Lagu ini menyeritakan sindiran untuk laki-laki yang sang sudah meninggalkannya. Dan bahkan di lagu ini mengatakan bahwa dia bahagia saat kehilangan laki-laki tersebut. Dan inilah lirik lagu so what - pink.

Na na na na na na na na na na na na
Na na na na na na na na na na na na
I guess I just lost my husband
I don't know where he went
So I'm gonna drink my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent
I gotta a brand new attitude and
I'm gonna wear it tonight
I wanna get in trouble
I wanna start a fight
na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight
na na na na na na na I wanna start a fight

So, so what
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that were done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright
I'm just fine
And your a tool
So, so what
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't want you tonight

The waiter just took my table
And gave it to Jessica Simps (shit)
I guess I'll go sit with drum boy
At least he'll know how to hit
What if this songs on the radio
then somebody's gonna die
I'm gonna get in trouble
My ex will start a fight
na na na na na na na he's gonna start a fight
na na na na na na na were all gonna get in a fight

So, so what
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that were done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright
I'm just fine
And your a tool
So, so what
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't want you tonight

You weren't there
You never were
You want it all
But that's not fair
I gave you life
I gave my all
You weren't there
You let me fall

So, so what
I'm still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't need you
And guess what
I'm having more fun
And now that were done
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright
I'm just fine
And your a tool
So, so what
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't want you tonight

No, no, no, no
I don't want you tonight
You weren't there
I'm gonna show you tonight
I'm alright
I'm just fine
And your a tool
So, so what
I am a rock star
I got my rock moves
And I don't want you tonight

2) It Stops Today-Colbie Caillat

Lagu ini andalah bertujuan untuk menyemangati dirinya sendiri bahwa bisa meleweati pedihnya pada masa lalu dan dia akan mengatasi masalah yang sedang dia tanggung tanpa bantuan siapapun. Untuk lirik lagu tersebut bisa anda lihat di bawah ini.

No, no, I, I, I, I, I don't want to break when I speak
I don't want to shake while I'm standing
I don't want to crawl into another hole
I don't know what I'm hiding for
No, I, I, I, I, I don't want to fall when I stand
I don't want to have to hold your hand
I just want to be the girl i used to be when i was me and worry-free
I know these burdens are my own

But I can't keep on running
No I just can't keep on running away from here
I know that the only way to beat it is by fighting my every fear
I'm not going to make it 'til I turn around and face it alone, I know
I can't just keep running, no I just can't keep on running away
So it stops today

So here I am, I'm taking my first step
Thought I was losing balance but I caught myself
I kind of like the challenge, no I don't need help
I'm going to make it past the very start
It's always been my hardest part

But I, I, I, I, I'm going to stay in control
I must admit this crutch is getting old
I am going to throw it right out of my hand
I'm finally here, I understand
I know I'll get there on my own

You can hide from all the pain
But it will find you anyway
Yes, I know, now I know

3) Move On - Project Pop

Project pop adalah band yang berasal dari indonesia yang terkenal dengan kocaknya ini menyiptakan lagu yang berjudul move on. Walau pun judul lagu tersebut move on tetapi lirik lagunya tidak membuat nyesek. Untuk anda ingin mengetahui lagu nya seperti apa silakan baca liriknya di bawah ini.

Seperti lagu harus terpisah punya si Cakra Khan
Kau putuskan aku lihat statusku jadi Goodbye Pacar Sialan, uwooooo

Cukup hanya dalam satu malam ku dalam penyesalan
Kenapa dulu kubisa sungguh percaya aku separuhnya kamu

Aku takkan jadi butiran debu, uuu
Jika tersesat kehilangan arah aku kan bisa bertanya

ooo we're gonna move on hati galau hanya bikin orang bloon
ooo we're gonna move on tonite lets have fun we gonna party
ooo we're gonna move on bapak ibu semua ayo kita kemon
ooo we're gonna move on tonite lets have fun we're gonna party

yo yo check it out hati galaugalaugalaugalau harus disetop
caranya gak repot repot yo party bareng project pop
hey you know jadi woles mata banyak nangis bikin males
muka jelek ouw what a mess lets party baby pasti beres

Aku takkan jadi butiran debu, uuu
Jika tersesat kehilangan arah aku kan bisa bertanya

ooo we're gonna move on hati galau hanya bikin orang bloon
ooo we're gonna move on tonite lets have fun we gonna party
ooo we're gonna move on bapak ibu semua ayo kita kemon
ooo we're gonna move on tonite lets have fun we're gonna party
ooo we're gonna party

4) I Don't Give A Damn - Avril Lavigne

Lagu tersebut menceritakan tentang seorang gadis yang bersikap cuek terhadap perlakuan pacarnya yang sudah melampaui batas. Dan dia ingin membuktikan pada pacarnya tersebut bahwa dia adalah bukanlah gadis yang gampang menyerah. Untuk anda yang belum mengetahui liriknya anda bisa lihat liriknya di bawah ini.

Everytime you go away
It actually kinda makes my day
Everytime you leave
You slam the door

You pick your words so carefully
You hate to think you're hurting me
You leave me laughing on
The floor

Cause I don't give it up, I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know I don't give it up, I don't give a damn
What you say about that
You know I'm not gonna cry, about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that

I thought we were just hanging out
So why'd you kiss me on the mouth
You thought the way you taste
Would get me high

You went to all your friends to brag
Guys are always such a drag
Don't you know the reason that I kissed you was to
Say goodbye

Cause I don't give it up
I don't give a damn what you say about that
You know I don't give it up
I don't give a damn what you say about that
You know I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that

Hanging hanging out, I am simply
Hanging hanging out, I am simply
Hanging so why'd you kiss me on the mouth?

Don't you know that I...

I don't give a damn about you
I won't give it up not for you
I don't give a damn about you
I won't give it up not for you
I'm not gonna cry about some stupid guy
A guy who thinks he's all that

I don't give it up
I don't give a damn what you say about that
You know I don't give it up
I don't give a damn what you say about that

I don't give it up
I don't give a damn what you say about that
You know I don't give it up
I don't give a damn what you say about that

Nah itu lah beberapa lagu yang sangat pas untuk anda yang sedang galau. Silakan anda dengarkan waktu sendirian di kamar anda dan saya pastikan rasa galau yang anda derita menghilang setelah mendengarkan lagu tersebut. Terima kasih ata kunjungan anda silakan komentar kalau anda mempunyai rekomendasi lagi penghilang galau nanti saya akan cantumkan di artikel ini.

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